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ETION, the Forum for Engaged Entrepreneurship, is a Flemish entrepreneurial platform headquartered in Wilrijk, Antwerp.

A combination of thorough research, state-of-the-art technology and targeted implementation resulted in a significant improvement in both energy efficiency and employee comfort in Etion’s offices.

At the start of the project, we thoroughly evaluated the existing lighting, including old consumption and dark spots spread over more than 1,000 fixtures. Based on these findings, we prepared a comprehensive lighting study, adjusting lighting levels to the standard.

We provided the necessary cabling for power, but the implementation of wireless control and communication allowed us to avoid the cost of additional cabling. This made the installation not only more efficient, but also cost effective.

Case: Nieuwe verlichting voor Etion - Project Nekton

The project was smartly controlled with Low Energy modules from Signify Interact, and each fixture was equipped with its own sensor that continuously monitors motion and daylight.

The results are impressive: thanks to our efficient installation, combined with the use of daylight and presence detection, we realize annual savings of more than 200,000 kWh. This corresponds to a CO2 reduction of almost 40 tons per year, equivalent to the emissions of 20 gasoline cars on an annual basis.

At Project Nekton, we are proud of the positive impact we were able to make at Etion, and the contribution we made to both the sustainability goals and overall well-being in the workplace!


Financing this project at Etion was a critical aspect that required close collaboration and careful planning. We worked with our financial partner, Jade Synergies, to develop a model that would provide a higher long-term return on investment (ROI).

This model, based on the concept of Total Cost of Ownership, allows costs to be spread over a 10-year period. This means no immediate large investment was required for Etion. Jade Synergies offered an OPEX lease for 10 years, with monthly repayments net lower than current energy and maintenance costs. This without any pre-financing. The savings realized are thus immediately cashed in by Etion.

The 10-year contract also places a special responsibility on our shoulders. It obliges us to offer quality products at a good price, since we are responsible for the proper operation of the installation throughout the contract period. This contract emphasizes our commitment to provide value and reliability to our customers.

Setting the horizon at 10 years also allowed us to emphasize better ROI over the long term. This financing model illustrates the benefits of a long-term approach, turning initial investment costs into significant savings and improved efficiency over the years.

Learn more about CapEx and OpEx financing in lighting projects

Want to know more about the possibilities of sustainable lighting? Get advice from our experts!

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